You don’t have to become a professional painter to accomplish an interior painting project in your home. Nevertheless, although some ambitious people may also carry out exterior painting by themselves, the majority of home owners decide to hire professional painters for their house painting requirements. In any case, here are some painting tips for carrying out residential painting correctly. To start with, prepare the room for interior painting. Cover up and protect the objects in the room from paint and dust that may gather during the painting process. Shift all the big items to the centre of the room and cover them with a clear plastic dust sheet. The visibility factor of the plastic sheet is crucial because not only will it allow you to keep an eye on the things and locate them as and when necessary, it will also help make sure that no one rests on any precious or fragile items. Exercise extra care when removing any decorative items, such as ornaments, paintings and lamps. If these have special fixings or small parts, such as screws or hooks, consider placing them in a transparent plastic bag before taping them to the back of the respective items. Now that everything has been shifted to the centre of the room, we have to start preparing the path for painting. It is a good idea to place clean dust sheets around the edge of the room so as to protect the flooring from the dust and paint that may drip from the walls and ceiling. In addition, the dust sheets can serve as an anti-slip surface when you are on the steps. Additionally, do not forget to protect the light switches or electrical sockets with masking tape. This prevents them from being stained with any paint that may drip during the course of painting the room. Do remember to mask along the edges of the skirting so you are able to paint the entire area without leaving any unpainted lines at the bottom. Always begin painting the skirting from one corner of the room, taking extra care not to get any paint on the walls. House painting appears simple, however, considering the height of the walls and the requirement for ladders and platforms, professional painters are best left to tackle exterior painting. The process of residential painting is definitely not the most enjoyable activity to accomplish, nevertheless if you make it entertaining by performing it with a friend and good music, interior painting can be a more pleasurable experience. If carried out properly, the final result is well worth the work. It will not only be aesthetically pleasing, but may also significantly increase the value of your house.
Preparing To Paint Your House  
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